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GRATIS BELAJAR LIFE COACHING NLP Peserta Special life  Coaching NLP Video Testimoni 1 Bu Rofina Batam 2. Mas Fathur Lawyer BATAM  33. Business Coach- Pak Helmi BATAM Link Belajar Gratis LIFE COACHING NLP                            Group Telegra m Garoup WA NLP Channel Telegram  Silahkan rekan2 yg ingin bergabung di channel dan  group telegram Special Life Coaching With NLP. . yg ingin mendalami dan merasakan.manfaat ilmunya tinggal klik link yg ada diatas.. Terima kasih  Coach Ferris  SpecialLifeCoachingwithNLP

Gokil School Musical

Gokil School Musical By:"Oben Cedric, Iwok Abqary" Published on by Gradien Mediatama This Book was ranked 29 by Google Books for keyword jago jualan.

Email Marketing Rules

Email Marketing Rules By:"Chad White","Jay Baer" Published on 2013-03-04 by Createspace Independent Pub \ This Book was ranked 37 by Google Books for keyword emailmarketing.

Email Marketing Best Practices: 100 Delivery No No's

Email Marketing Best Practices: 100 Delivery No No's By: Published on by Debra Ellis This Book was ranked 32 by Google Books for keyword emailmarketing.

The Philosophical Transactions and Collections to the End of the Year MDCC, Abridged, and Disposed Under General Heads

The Philosophical Transactions and Collections to the End of the Year MDCC, Abridged, and Disposed Under General Heads By:"Royal Society (Great Britain)" Published on 1749 by This Book was ranked 14 by Google Books for keyword affilet.

99 Bisnis anak muda

99 Bisnis anak muda By:"Malahayati, Hendry E. Ramdhan" Published on by PT Niaga Swadaya This Book was ranked 30 by Google Books for keyword belajar bisnis.

Super Bank Soal Fiska

Super Bank Soal Fiska By: Published on by Penerbit Agromedia Pustaka This Book was ranked 20 by Google Books for keyword Fiska.

Hafal Alquran Meski Sibuk Sekolah

Hafal Alquran Meski Sibuk Sekolah By:"Ridhoul Wahidi" Published on 2017-07-17 by Elex Media Komputindo Tradisi menghafal Alquran di Indonesia sudah ramai di pesantren-pesantren dan tidak sedikit sekolah-sekolah yang menerapkan, bahkan mewajibkan para siswa-siswinya untuk menghafal beberapa surah Alquran. Kendala yang ditemui adalah kurangnya buku referensi yang secara khusus memberikan metode dan kiat-kiat agar para siswa/ santri dapat mudah menghafal Alquran. Buku ini adalah buku yang tepat untuk menjadi rujukan bagi calon penghafal Alquran meski disibukkan dengan tugas sekolah, organisasi sekolah, dan kesibukan-kesibukan lainnya. Buku ini juga bisa menjadi referensi sekolah-sekolah umum, atau pesantren yang mewajibkan para murid atau santrinya mengafal Alquran. Buku ini berisi: - Memilih waktu yang tepat untuk menghafal dan mengulang hafalan - Tahap-tahap dalam proses menghafal Alquran - Kendala calon penghafal Alquran dan solusinya - Kiat membuat, menjaga, dan mengulang ha...

Finanční matematika v praxi

Finanční matematika v praxi By:"Šoba Oldřich","Širůček Martin","Ptáček Roman" Published on 2013-02-18 by Grada Publishing a.s. Publikace se komplexně věnuje klíčovým oblastem finanční matematiky používaným při řízení osobních financí a v podnikové sféře. Nejprve se seznámíte s principy jednoduchého a složeného úročení a následně s jejich aplikacemi na reálných finančních produktech a investičních nástrojích, jako jsou běžné a spořící účty, důchody a renty, podílové fondy, úvěry, cenné papíry (směnky, obligace, akcie) a měnové kurzy. Veškerý výklad je doprovázen konkrétními příklady a praktickými ukázkami. Každá kapitola je navíc doplněna o výukové video podrobně vysvětlující danou oblast finanční matematiky. Základní výhodou knihy je velká srozumitelnost a praktičnost. Ocení ji každý, kdo chce finanční matematiku používat ve svůj prospěch, ať už v podnikové praxi nebo v osobním životě, například studenti vysokých škol ekonomického zaměření, investoři a pra...

Handbook of Research on Integrating Social Media into Strategic Marketing

Handbook of Research on Integrating Social Media into Strategic Marketing By:"Hajli, Nick" Published on 2015-04-30 by IGI Global To survive in today’s competitive business environment, marketing professionals must look to develop innovative methods of reaching their customers and stakeholders. Web 2.0 provides a useful tool in developing the relationships between business and consumer. The Handbook of Research on Integrating Social Media into Strategic Marketing explores the use of social networking and other online media in marketing communications, including both best practices and common pitfalls to provide comprehensive coverage of the topic. This book is intended for marketing professionals, business managers, and anyone interested in how social media fits into today’s marketing environments. This Book was ranked 9 by Google Books for keyword whatsapp marketing.


Ngenest By:"Ernest Prakasa" Published on 2013-11-20 by RakBuku Dibanding bokap, keluarga nyokap gue tuh lebih original Cinanya. Gaya ngomongnya masih totok banget. Bagi mereka, gak ada istilah “kami” atau “kalian”. Adanya adalah “gua orang” dan “lu orang”. Kesannya insecure banget ya? Gue juga tau kalo kita ini orang, bukan ubur-ubur. (Diambil dari bab “Woy, Cina!”) Di banyak mall di Jakarta, ada petugas lift. Padahal siapa sih yang gak mampu mengoperasikan lift? Kalo mau ke lantai 3, kan tinggal cari tombol angka “3″. Simpel. Kecuali tulisan tombolnya bukan “3″, tapi lebih rumit. Misalnya “1/2 x akar 36″. Lagian gue belum pernah baca ada headline koran semacam ini: “GAGAL MENEMUKAN LANTAI TIGA, SEORANG REMAJA TERJEBAK SELAMA DUA HARI DI DALAM LIFT MALL TAMAN NAGREK” (Diambil dari bab “Jakarta Dikepung!”) “Wah, ga nyangka Mas Ernest Cokelat bisa nulis buku juga. Selamat Mas, salam buat Mbak Nirina!” - Madun, 23th, mahasiswa gaul “Lucu sih. Tapi menurut Mama masih lucuan buku ...

Matematika Asyik

Matematika Asyik By: Published on by Grasindo This Book was ranked 25 by Google Books for keyword matematika.

Mari Bisnis di Internet dg PaidReview+CD

Mari Bisnis di Internet dg PaidReview+CD By: Published on by Elex Media Komputindo This Book was ranked 22 by Google Books for keyword belajar bisnis.

Tabel Matematika Lengkap

Tabel Matematika Lengkap By: Published on by Galangpress Group This Book was ranked 11 by Google Books for keyword matematika.

Långsam fisk.Torkning, rökning och saltning på skärgårdsvis

Långsam fisk.Torkning, rökning och saltning på skärgårdsvis By: Published on 2008 by Jan Selling Kulturproduktion This Book was ranked 36 by Google Books for keyword Fiska.

Direct and Digital Marketing in Practice

Direct and Digital Marketing in Practice By:"Brian Thomas","Matthew Housden" Published on 2017-06-29 by Bloomsbury Publishing Direct and Digital Marketing in Practice is the essential manual for all managers, marketers and students. Incisive and thorough, the text has been fully updated to reflect the continuing impact and future implications of the Internet on marketing. This new 3rd edition is one of the only comprehensive textbooks written entirely by current practising professionals. It explains in detail the powerful offline and online techniques available to direct marketers today. Direct and Digital Marketing in Practice covers vital issues such as: · the new marketing landscape; · gaining customer insight; · maximising returns on marketing investment; · integrating traditional and digital media; · campaign planning and budgeting; · offline and online metrics: · testing and statistics; and · developing compelling propositions. Direct and Digital Marketing in ...

1/2 Jam Sehari Bisa Baca dan Hafal Al-Qur'an

1/2 Jam Sehari Bisa Baca dan Hafal Al-Qur'an By:"Ustadz Arif Rahman" Published on 2016-05-05 by Shahih “Sebaik-baik kalian adalah orang yang belajar Al-Qur’an dan yang mengajarkannya“. (HR.Bukhari no.4739) Al-Qur’an adalah kalam Allah SWT membaca, menghafal, dan mengamalkan akan sangat bermanfaat untuk seorang muslim dan umat. Kunci untuk bisa membaca Al-Qur’an adalah ikhlas karena Allah SWT. Kemudian berlatih, berlatih, dan berlatih agar bisa membaca secara tartil. Kunci menghafal Al-Qur’an adalah membaca, membaca, dan membaca agar hafal 30 Juz secara bertahap. Buku ini di susun sebagai panduan bagi muslim yang ingin membaca dan menghafal Al-Qur’an secara komprehensif dengan metode yang mudah diikuti dan memotivasi untuk mulai menghafal Al-Qur’an. Insya Allah setiap muslim bisa dan lancar membaca dan menghafal Al-Qur’an. Amin. Orang yang sering membaca Al-Qur’an akan lebih banyak mendapat pahala dan di sisi lain hal itu akan mempermudah dan memperkuat hafalannya. Karena ...

A Dictionary of Marketing

A Dictionary of Marketing By:"Charles Doyle" Published on 2016-04-28 by Oxford University Press A Dictionary of Marketing is an accessible and wide-ranging A-Z, providing over 2,500 entries on topics spanning terms for traditional marketing techniques (from strategy, positioning, segmentation, and branding, to all aspects of marketing planning, research, and analysis), as well as leading marketing theories and concepts. Both classic and modern marketing techniques are covered. Entries reflect modern changes in marketing practice, including the use of digital and multi media, the impact of the World Wide Web on advertising, and the increased influence of social media and search engines on advertising and the rise of global brand management. Also included is a time line of the development of marketing as a discipline and the key events that impacted the development, as well as over 100 relevant web links, accessed and updated via a companion website. In addition, the main appen...

Blood Enemies

Blood Enemies By:"Susan R. Matthews" Published on 2017-04-04 by Baen Books A NEW ENTRY IN THE LEGENDARY, CRITICALLY ACCLAIMED UNDER JURISDICTION SERIES! TO END A GENOCIDAL MENACE, A RETIRED TORTURER MUST AGAIN TAKE UP HIS HATED TRADE Andrej Koscuisko is a former Fleet Medical Officer for the enormous totalitarian star empire, the Jurisdiction. But when he served in the Fleet, Andrej’s real job was not medicine, at least not primarily medicine, but to act as a torturer of prisoners, whether they had information to give or not. To help him in his duties, Andrej was attended by “bond involuntaries”—slaves—men he’d come to look upon as friends and family. Finally, enough was enough. Andrej absconded with six of his Fleet-provided security slaves and sent them into the no-man’s land of Gonebeyond Space—beyond the reach of the Jurisdiction’s tyrannical Bench. Now The Angel of Death, a savage terrorist organization from Andrej’s system of origin, means to make Gonebeyond its own. Bu...


Al-Qur'an By:"Abdul Hameed Aliani" Published on 2005 by This Book was ranked 15 by Google Books for keyword AlQur'an.

Matematika pro nematematické obory

Matematika pro nematematické obory By:"Došlá Zuzana","Liška Petr" Published on 2014-09-30 by Grada Publishing, a.s. Publikace je určená studentům vysokých škol zejména přírodovědného, technického a ekonomického zaměření a obecně všem zájemcům o základy matematické analýzy a lineární algebry. Objasňuje tato témata: diferenciální a integrální počet funkcí jedné i více proměnných, posloupnosti a nekonečné řady, diferenciální rovnice prvního a druhého řádu a křivkový integrál. Z lineární algebry se věnuje tématům: matice, determinanty a systémy lineárních rovnic. Kniha přirozeně navazuje na středoškolskou matematiku a obsahuje řadu řešených matematických úloh a aplikací v přírodních a technických vědách. This Book was ranked 40 by Google Books for keyword matematika.

Mustika hadis-hadis al-qudsi sahih

Mustika hadis-hadis al-qudsi sahih By:"Isomuddin bin Saiyyid Abdul Robbuni Al-Soobaathi" Published on 2002 by This Book was ranked 6 by Google Books for keyword hadis.

Al-Qur'an Yubaddid Zalam Al-awham

Al-Qur'an Yubaddid Zalam Al-awham By:"Khalf Muhammad Husayni" Published on 1975 by This Book was ranked 26 by Google Books for keyword AlQur'an.

Mutiara Hadis Qudsi (hc)

Mutiara Hadis Qudsi (hc) By:"Ahmad Abduh Iwadh" Published on by PT Mizan Publika This Book was ranked 25 by Google Books for keyword hadis.

Language Technology for Cultural Heritage

Language Technology for Cultural Heritage By:"Caroline Sporleder","Antal van den Bosch","Kalliopi Zervanou" Published on 2011-07-07 by Springer Science & Business Media The digital age has had a profound effect on our cultural heritage and the academic research that studies it. Staggering amounts of objects, many of them of a textual nature, are being digitised to make them more readily accessible to both experts and laypersons. Besides a vast potential for more effective and efficient preservation, management, and presentation, digitisation offers opportunities to work with cultural heritage data in ways that were never feasible or even imagined. To explore and exploit these possibilities, an interdisciplinary approach is needed, bringing together experts from cultural heritage, the social sciences and humanities on the one hand, and information technology on the other. Due to a prevalence of textual data in these domains, language technology has a cr...

Gokil Boy / Gokil Girl

Gokil Boy / Gokil Girl By:"Lia Indra Andriana ","Andikobe" Published on 2009-10-01 by Gradien Mediatama Ini buku 2in1 (tu in wan), kembar siam, lahir dempet, antara Gokil Girl karya Lia Indra Andriana dan Gokil Boy karya Andikobe. Di dalam buku ini, hadir kegokilan anak cowok dan anak cewek secara khas. Masing-masing memiliki ekspresi kebandelan, kebadungan, atau kenarsisan yang mungkin sama, tapi juga berbeda tak terhingga ... sesuai dengan lonjakan hormon, desiran kepribadian, dan deburan emosi. Buku ini bukan saja pelengkap koleksi Anda atas dua buku sebelumnya, yaitu GokilMom dan GokilDad, melainkan juga menjadi sempurna karena buku 2in1 ini dihadirkan oleh dua anak gokil beda jenis kelamin, dan beda ladang lain belalang. -Gradien Mediatama- This Book was ranked 33 by Google Books for keyword jago jualan.