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Social Marketing and Public Health

Social Marketing and Public Health
By:"Jeff French"
Published on 2017-02-09 by Oxford University Press

The last ten years have seen tremendous advances in the theory and practice base of social marketing globally. Social Marketing and Public Health provides up-to-date thinking on these developments. It introduces new conceptual models and approaches to influence behaviour that promotes health and prevents disease. This new edition moves the book's focus to a globally-relevant approach to the application and evaluation of social marketing, and includes a range of international case studies. In addition to coverage of key concepts and techniques in social marketing, this book contains chapters on areas such as social marketing on a small budget, ethical issues, and incorporating digital and social media platforms into social marketing strategies. This is a practical 'how to' guide for those interested in understanding and applying social marketing principles to their public health practice and strategies. It sets out a compelling case for a more citizen-, patient-, or client-focused approach to promoting health and preventing disease. Empowering citizens by understanding their needs and working together to create healthy communities is the core of good social marketing practice - this is both reflected and promoted in this book. Written by international experts in the field, this book is a useful guide for public health specialist planners and policy makers, social marketing organisations and professionals, and students and academics in these fields.

This Book was ranked 10 by Google Books for keyword whatsapp marketing.


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