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Methodology and Issues Within Tafsir Al-Qur'an Al-Karim by Abdul Halim Hasan Et Al

Methodology and Issues Within Tafsir Al-Qur'an Al-Karim by Abdul Halim Hasan Et Al
By:"Nadzrah Ahmad"
Published on 2014 by

Tafsir al-Quran al-Karim is a Qur'anic commentary written in the Malay language by three Sumatran Malay exegetes namely Abdul Halim Hasan, Zainal Arifin Abbas and Abdul Rahim Haitami. Produced at the beginning of the twentieth century, the tafsir is excessively influenced by Muhammad Abduh in al-Manar and Tantawi Jawhari in al-Jawahir. This study highlights the figures responsible for this work, and their methodological approach in Tafsir al-Quran al-Karim. Focus is also made towards discussion of issues highlighted in the tafsir. The study relies on historical analysis as well as content and comparative analyses resulting in several research findings. The results show that the exegetes were competent individuals for an exegetical work due to their capability in handling Arabic sources and structuring a well-organized discussion of the issues. The study also shows that the methods used by the exegetes in giving service to the tafsir of the Qur'an did not contradict with other prominent books of tafsir. Discussion of issues is also proven to be in line with the notion of the prominent Muslim scholars as well as experts of the area. Another finding of the study indicates that the tafsir is a 'permissible reasoning tafsir' (tafsir bi al-ra'yi al-mahmud) where combination of narrative and reasoning interpretations is apparent in the writing of the commentary. Although the consideration of the contextual circumstances is somehow lacking, the tafsir managed to address the needs of the Malay Muslims in providing ample knowledge for a pure Islamic life.

This Book was ranked 14 by Google Books for keyword AlQur'an.


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