Telegram Marketing Secrets
Published on 2017-01-28 by Lulu Press, Inc
On Feb 22, 2014, WhatsApp messaging services suffered an unprecedented four hours of downtime due to power outage which lasted for 4 hours. During that period, nearly 5 million people signed up for Telegram messaging service and due to that the amount of downloads fly straight up to the top of the App Store charts. Due to that, Telegram became the top free app in over 46 countries from Germany to Ecuador. In the US and several other countries, Telegram became the no.1 social networking site ahead of Facebook, WhatsApp, Kik and several others more. Telegram’s feature is basically a combination of SMS and email and can handle all the user’s personal or business messaging needs. Messaging apps are convenient and effective as a marketing and communications tool in spreading the words and offering services to the target market. Business owners find it is beneficial and helps keeping good relationships with the customers and adding value to their business.
This Book was ranked 4 by Google Books for keyword whatsapp marketing.
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