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The Rebel's Guide to Email Marketing

The Rebel's Guide to Email Marketing
By:"DJ Waldow","Jason Falls"
Published on 2012-08-15 by Que Publishing

A No-Nonsense, Take-No-Prisoners Plan for Earning Positive Return on Your Email Marketing! “They” say email is dead. Baloney! 94% of Americans use email. Passionate social networkers use email more, not less. Mobile email is huge. Email offers marketers more opportunities than ever...opportunities to guide customers from consideration and trial to repeat purchase, loyalty, even advocacy! But email has changed. Email users have changed. To get breakthrough results, you must break the rules! Whether you’re B2B or B2C, Fortune 500 or startup, this is a complete no-nonsense plan for transforming your email marketing. Discover radically better ways to handle every facet of your campaign: lists, From names, Subject lines, calls to action, social network integration...everything! Learn how to Discover which email marketing “rules” are obsolete--and when to break the rest Optimize every component of your message and campaign Drive list growth that translates directly into the top line Encourage opt-in by systematically simplifying signup Bring real humor and creativity back into your email Write a great main call to action--and great secondary and tertiary calls, too Take full advantage of tools ranging from QR codes to texting to grow your email list Make better technical decisions about prechecked opt-in boxes and other attributes Know when to deliberately introduce “imperfections” into your emails Use email marketing and social media to power each other Prepare for the short- and long-term futures of email marketing

This Book was ranked 1 by Google Books for keyword emailmarketing.


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