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WhatsApp Retail

WhatsApp Retail
By:"Martin vom Stein"
Published on 2017-02-16 by

WhatsApp Retail takes a fresh look at current trends in all consumer and retail markets with the objective to present a methodology that helps companies develop effective strategies to engage with their final customers, the Shopsumers. It cuts through the clutter of numerous new Marketing disciplines in today's digital & mobile age and combines them with classical Marketing and Sales tools so that brands and retailers reach both, an exciting and unique story to tell to the Shopsumer as well as a clear guide as to where to invest efficiently to spread the message. The last part of the book gives an outlook into Retailing in 2025, indicating in which areas companies need to adapt to the Shopsumer's needs. The book aims at all Marketing and Sales professionals in the consumer and retailing business, as well as those who want to become one. Martin vom Stein is the Managing Director of the boutique consultancy The Shopsumer Institute and has worked in the consumer goods and retail sector for more than 20 years. He created the term Shopsumer back in 2006 to already hint at the huge transformation the consumer and retailing sector was about to undergo due to the fact that this final customer technologically evolved into a powerful market player who can literally buy and consume anywhere at any time. His first book \

This Book was ranked 30 by Google Books for keyword whatsapp marketing.


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