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Sociology of Health in a Dalit Community

Sociology of Health in a Dalit Community
By:"K. M. Ziyauddin"
Published on 2012 by Cambridge Scholars Pub

The book elaborates on the aspects of Health conditions of the communities suffered for generations. The case is given for Hadi Caste and an occupational group as a special focus and Bauri Caste at certain point of reference. The book is primarily based on the fieldwork conducted as a part of M. Phil Programme in JNU. The experience of the researcher in the field adds as strength to the elaboration on morbidity and health perception of Dalits. The state of Jharkhand has been the age old land for the Hadis, one of the Schedule Castes list in the Census of India documents and they comprise special chunk of population. The occupation, customs, rituals, social interaction and many more aspects has been added in the book to enhance the generalization capability of the present work and that describe the socio-cultural and political interaction between health and life status of the Hadi community. The book also looked into the health of the studied population from the public health perspectives. The traditional occupational group like Hadis does help us to build the understanding about accessibility and availability of health services in India. The experiences of illness not describe the reality rather the long term impact occurs due to the community experiences at health centers and hospitals. The elaboration on these dalits castes reflects the historically committed mistake in the larger spectrum of Hindu caste society in India. How the occupation and caste becomes the only identity of a social groups and that leads to several consequences affecting the basic and fundamental rights of the deprived populations. This does not discuss one kind of exclusion based on Caste and occupation but the Systemic or constitutive exclusion carried years all together. They are experienced at social, cultural, political and economic fronts because it is complex and multi-dimensional in nature. Interestingly, my book also looks upon the problem of fieldworker and provides an account of researchers talk in the field. This will help all the research bases and initiatives focusing the caste and occupation as their variables. Precisely, this book covers the wider spectrum of Indian society and a few section of the population living in distress health situations given the cultural set up interwoven in Hindu society. The multidisciplinary nature of the book will be helpful for the students and researchers from sociology, anthropology, public health, historical and political studies, demography, social work and Gender studies, Social Exclusion in particular and humanities in general. This book is another addition of my earlier book on Dimensions of Social Exclusion: an ethnographic exploration.

This Book was ranked 17 by Google Books for keyword hadis.


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